
AmazonEC2SystemMonitorformacOSisasmallagentthatrunsoneverymac1.metalinstancetoprovideon-instancemetricsinCloudWatch.,Best3rd-partyMacperformancemonitortools·iStatMenus–bestformostusers·TGPro–bestfortemperaturemonitoring·Sensei–bestforperformance ...,SystemMonitorisanapplicationforthemenubarofOSX,designedtoinformyouunobtrusivelyabouttheactivityofyourcomputer.,Statsisanapplicationthatallowsyouto...


Amazon EC2 System Monitor for macOS is a small agent that runs on every mac1.metal instance to provide on-instance metrics in CloudWatch.

Best Mac System Monitor Apps 2024

Best 3rd-party Mac performance monitor tools · iStat Menus – best for most users · TG Pro – best for temperature monitoring · Sensei – best for performance ...

Download System Monitor for Mac

System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of OS X, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer.


Stats is an application that allows you to monitor your macOS system. CPU utilization; GPU utilization; Memory usage; Disk utilization; Network usage ...

Free System Monitor App?

2023年2月13日 — Free System Monitor App? Been using htop, is there a good free alternative?


iStatistica is an advanced system monitor for macOS. It includes notification center widget and status bar menu.

System Monitor 2.7 优秀的系统监控工具

2019年12月23日 — System Monitor 是一款Mac上优秀的系统监控工具,可以方便的在菜单栏监控显示系统的信息,包括CPU、内存、网速、温度、硬盘等等。

System Monitor on the Mac App Store

System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of your Mac, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer. You can retrieve up-to- ...

System Monitor

System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of macOS, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer. You can retrieve up-to- ...

在Mac App Store 上的「System Monitor」

2024年2月24日 — System Monitor is an application for the menu bar of your Mac, designed to inform you unobtrusively about the activity of your computer.